The Importance of the Word of God
Why we read it? Can we trust it? How do we read it?
Why do we read it?
We read it so we can learn who God is. We read it so we know who he has called us to be. And we read it to understand his plan of transforming us.
Romans 12:2
We read it for hiding his word in our heart.
Psalm 119:11
Reading for transformation not information.
Change: make (someone or something) different; alter or modify
Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
Transformation is taking something in one form and dramatically altering it. It isn’t mere change that we are looking for, but a transformation in our core. The Word of God starts the process of the Holy Spirit changing us to look more Jesus.
Can we trust it?
The Word of God is authored by those chosen by the Lord and inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God in the Bible is equal to the spoken Word of God.
The mechanism of Illumination comes of God’s word.
How do we read it?
The Bible is meant to be prayed through, not read. When we read God’s word we should engage it.
Remember, the Bible is like a series of love letters from God to you. Enjoy them, cherish them, read them over and over, and fall in love with the Savior a little more with each word.