Preparing for the Storm

What does it mean to surrender our circumstance in the middle of a trial?

A simple way to look at it is to realize I can’t know all the details, including the thoughts of others. If I can’t, then I can’t be assured my outcome will work how I intend. If this is true then God, who knows all thoughts and has seen everything take place, will be able to cause change that can be assured on his part. So in my believing His Word, believing he is a just and good God, and that he loves me, then I can be assured that regardless of my actions, his will ALWAYS be better. So I give up my control of the situation. I give up my sovereignty and seek his will in it. I use his Word (the Bible) to find a solution or way through.

Looking at Luke 22:39-53, what are some skills we can put into place in order to live this dependence on God, even in the storm?

2 Kings 18-20 Hezekiah, King of Judah, threatened and then mortally ill

Acts 16:22-30 Paul and Silas imprisoned

Jesus vs Disciples, how did they respond in their difficulties and the trial. Both desired comfort, they sought it in different places

Hezekiah responds by bringing the letter from Assyria to the temple and placing it on the altar, goes to prayer and asks his trusted aids and Isaiah the prophet to pray with him. 

Paul and Silas are imprisoned for continuing in the Lord’s work. Their response through prayer and praise of God. Impacts those around them. 

What do these three examples show us about how to respond in the middle of a storm? 

Seeking God through it and not always running to humans, though the examples show that a body of believers encouraging and praying with you is also beneficial. 

Keeping to God’s word, and what He says. Our first response should be to take the storm and lay it on the altar, realizing in our strength we can’t stop the events from taking place all the time. We can’t stop the armies from coming against us. 

What is the most important action we can do in order to be in the right position to abide through the storm?

Prayer with the Lord daily.

Reading His word and finding our identity in it.

Identity rooted in what he did for us:






Allowing transformation to come from God’s word and not from other sources.


Fear for Children Storm


The Limit of Psychology, No limit on God