New Year, New You: Aliens Among Us
As a citizen of heaven we have been left here by God to represent the kingdom of heaven. As people then see us, then they see Jesus.
Hebrews 11:13
If our hope is in our nation or government, in our citizenship here on this place we have very little hope. The world is falling apart, cultures are being destroyed and governments are being corrupted. If that’s truly our hope, we won’t find any strength. If our citizenship in heaven is our primary focus, then we can take strength and know our future is bright.
When one closely identifies with the conservative movement or progressive movement you will find they are likely not identifying with Jesus.
Our attitude needs to be measured by how we are ambassadors for our savior. Are we tender hearted? Do we bash on the leaders?
Many of us just want to live comfortably and not in the pain and heartache. Our desire for comfort is oftentimes greater than our desire for abiding in the Lord and his sufferings.
2 Corinthians 5:1-20
Philippians 3:20
1 Peter 2:11