Desires of the Heart: Communicating with God
Describe the typical prayer life of a church congregant?
Not a lot of corporate prayer over righteousness, holiness, the great commission.
Lots of prayers over supplications, for their needs, desires, etc.
People say: it is hard to pray, feel awkward when I pray, don’t know what to say. I don’t feel the presence of God, I don’t ever think of praying. I don’t pray regularly.
Fewer occasions where people are excited for prayer life.
Why is prayer not a deep desire for most Christians?
Luke 2
John 8:28-29
John 10
James 4
Many times we pray for things out of selfish ambition or desire.
The closer we get in our relationship with the Lord, the more we pray. This is what abiding is about. Many times this might even change our outlook and perspective, which may inevitably change what we focus our prayers on. Communication with God doesn’t have to feel burdensome, difficult, or awkward. It can be an enjoyable experience. But it takes a change in our hearts and minds to deepen our faith and hope in God, and then to live that out in how we communicate with him. Don’t feel condemned if it is awkward or confusing, difficult or short. Continue to dive into his word, pray his word, talk to him, and his Word will resonate in you.