A place to point you to the Biblical skills of Abiding in the Lord.
We focus on a life spent with three key skills: Reading God’s Word for Transformation, Dependence, and Illumination. Through these three skills developed in our lives we can find even the most traumatic situations will not shake our identity or value.
As I have walked my own journey through military service, strong independence, a marriage, births of my children, adoption, and a divorce I have seen many traumas in between all these. I have sought, as you may have, to take life by the horns or to live as William Ernest Henley stated in the poem Invictus “the master of my own fate, the captain of my own soul” while reconciling how the words of the Lord fit in this. It wasn’t until I walked through a discipleship into the way Jesus showed that I found these three skills changing, transforming, my life to an unshakeable identity and value in Christ.
You may be a Christian of a few months or a few decades, but one thing is true for us all whether in the first century or 21st: We cannot find healing, growth, and freedom apart from a fully submitted life to Christ. We are dedicated to this ideal as well as pointing others to Scripture and real life observations of the Word of God living out.